PDF⋙ Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient: Practical Guide Series, 3e by Richard J. Goldberg MD MS

Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient: Practical Guide Series, 3e by Richard J. Goldberg MD MS

Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient: Practical Guide Series, 3e

Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient: Practical Guide Series, 3e by Richard J. Goldberg MD MS PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This popular reference provides quick access to essential guidance on psychiatric patient care - all in the user-friendly format of the Practical Guide series. From delirium and depression...to Alzheimer's disease and anxiety disorders...it equips you to thoroughly understand and effectively address the needs of psychiatric patients in the clinical setting.
  • Perform a complete psychiatric assessment of patients.
  • Access step-by-step guidelines on differential diagnosis, treatment, and management.
  • Review the latest medical therapeutics specific to the psychiatric patient.
  • Find the information you need more easily with the help of a new two-color design.
  • New contributors and a major revision to the table of contents.
  • Expanded formulary includes the must know psychiatric drugs.
  • New two-color design.
  • Information updated to reflect current standards of practice.

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